BIS #6784 HomeLink Training for Mumbai Hub
By Ms Khushboo Mangrati for BISMumbai
The HomeLink Network Training Programme for Mumbai Hub, which includes the Provinces of Bombay and Panjim, was conducted on 2 September 2022 at Don Bosco Provincial House, Matunga. A total of 20 participants participated in this training programme.
The main objectives of this training were to inform about the history and importance of Don Bosco Young at Risk (YaR) sector, to upgrade the centres in terms of documentation using HomeLink, and to analyse the centres’ Social Media Handles and understand how it can help NGOs to grow in outreach.
During his welcome address, the Provincial of the Province of Bombay, Fr Savio Silveira, laid emphasis on how YaR (Young at Risk) is the conscience of Don Bosco, and that every institution should provide service to the Young at Risk in some form or the other.
An overview and timeline of how the Salesian Ministry of YaR came into existence was shared by Fr Tony Pellissery. It was followed by a presentation by Fr Joseph Leo on HomeLink and how it could help in our documentation of the YaR institutions.
The Gap Analysis was presented by Ms Maheshwari Balan which made the participants reflect on what could be done to improve the centres when it comes to documentation. It was an interactive session where various suggestions and clarifications were made. The Node Action Plan was made and agreed upon by all the Directors present.
The final session was conducted by Ms Khushboo Mangrati on how Social Media could help NGOs to bring visibility, support and transparency. An analysis of Social Media handles of all centres were made. The HomeLink Team ensured all the centres that they will be handholded and guided in every step.
The training ended with the release of HomeLink Annual Report (2021- 2022).