BIS #6639 Catechism Coordinators Meet at Pune

By Cl. Jittin Mathew for BISMumbai

The Salesian Catechetical Centre held a meeting of the Catechism Coordinators at the Centre at Koregaon Park, Pune, on 12 June 2022. A total of 26 coordinators from 17 parishes of the Diocese of Poona participated in the meeting.

Mrs Myrtle Francis, a member of the Catechetical team, was the resource person. She focused on the practical aspects of children's faith formation, particularly in relation to the environment, and the practical implementation of gospel ideals in Catechism lessons.

Later, Fr Osborn presented the plan for the academic year. The introduction of project work for Confirmation candidates centred on ecology as part of their catechetical formation was well-received. As part of the orientation, the Coordinators were introduced to the Teachers’ Manual for the respective Catechism classes along with other faith-related books that could be used as resource materials.