BIS #7232 St Anne's Church in Ahmednagar Celebrates the Feast of St Anne with Joy and Devotion

Fr Briston Britto for BIS Mumbai


St Anne's Church in Ahmednagar recently celebrated a special triduum in honor of their patroness, St Anne, leading to a vibrant celebration on July 28, 2024. This three-day event highlighted the vital role of grandparents, bringing the community together in reflection and festivity.

 The celebrations began with Fr Anthony Patole addressing the need for grandparents to balance love and discipline. His homily stressed the importance of guiding grandchildren while also showing affection, avoiding the pitfalls of overindulgence.

 On the second day, Fr. Briston focused on the crucial role grandparents play in nurturing the spiritual lives of their grandchildren. He encouraged them to actively support and guide their grandchildren's sacramental journey, reinforcing the importance of spiritual development within the family.

 Fr Vishwas Pereira delivered the homily on the third day, emphasizing grandparents' role as builders of conscience. He spoke about the impact of obedience, humility, and moral formation in shaping the values of younger generations.

 The feast day itself was celebrated with great enthusiasm. Main celebrant Fr Ajay D’monte celebrated a meaningful Eucharist, which included a beautiful post-communion hymn performed by catechism students. This was followed by a special presentation where the parish honored outstanding 10th and 12th-grade students with scholarships for their excellent academic achievements.

 The festive liturgy transitioned into a joyful gathering where parishioners shared snacks and celebrated together. The sense of community was palpable as members of St Anne's Church came together not only to honor their patroness but also to reinforce the importance of family values, a theme central to the celebrations.

 The triduum and feast day at St Anne's Church were a testament to the enthusiastic spirit of the parish community. The event served as a reminder of the cherished role of grandparents and reinforced the parish's commitment to nurturing strong family bonds.