BIS #7376 Missionary Animation Commissions of Six Provinces Meet to Discuss Initial Proclamation

Fr Clarence Martis

The Missionary Animation Commission members of the Provinces of Bangalore, Chennai, Trichy, Hyderabad, Panjim and Bombay met at Don Bosco Provincial House, Matunga, Mumbai, from October 22 to 24, 2024. A total of 18 members were present for the seminar along with one FMA sister from the Mumbai province. The theme of the seminar was ‘Initial Proclamation’. 

The seminar began in the evening of October 22. Fr Michael Bansode, PDMA of the Bombay province gave an overview of what the meeting was all about i.e. a follow-up of the meetings held in Guwahati and Thailand in the past year. Fr Savio Silveira, Provincial of the Bombay province, welcomed the gathering to the city of dreams, especially in the Dream year for the Salesians. He enumerated the contributions of missionaries who worked and toiled in the Bombay province and how the mission work grew in Bombay right from its inception in 1928. He said that Salesian India can give missionaries because it has the numbers. The question is whether the confreres have the generosity. He ended his address with the words, “If we stop being Missionary, we stop being Salesian.”

The next day began with the Eucharist celebrated by Fr Silveira. In his homily, he emphasized the importance of daring, hope and patience in missionary animation work. 

The resource person for the seminar was Fr T. C. George. He focused on the study made by the SDB and FMA congregations on Initial Proclamation. In his sessions, he went through the phase of initial proclamation in the New Testament to its theological-pastoral reflection. He clarified the meaning of initial proclamation and of the various ways to carry out initial proclamation and how it applies to the Salesian charism. He said that ultimately initial proclamation will bear fruit only if one has a deep relationship with the Lord. The evening session was dedicated to a discussion in groups about the findings of the study days on Initial Proclamation and to choose some practical resolutions for the year ahead.

The third day, October 24, began with the celebration of the Eucharist presided over by Fr T.C. George. Commemorating Mother Mary, Fr George, in his homily, enumerated personal examples wherein the Blessed Virgin Mary was instrumental in granting favours and encouraged the members to continue devotion to the Virgin.

The whole day was dedicated to sharing of one’s interventions regarding missionary animation in the provinces, the challenges faced, and the way forward. Discussions in groups helped in coming out with practical lines of action for the special year ahead i.e. the 150th anniversary of the first missionary expedition in 2025. 

The seminar ended with a grateful note of thanking all those who made the seminar possible and fruitful and with a renewed enthusiasm to proclaim Christ to all.