BIS #6401 'Friendship Day' COVID-19 Task Force at Jyoti Mata Church

by Father Richard Burkhao for BISMumbai

In a unique celebration, the youth of Jyoti Mata Church at Arnala Jyoti initiated a COVID-19 Task force on Sunday, 01 August 2021. This is to prepare and be rin readiness for the 3rd wave surge expected to cause further crisis.

Addressing the young people, Priest-Incharge Father William Falcao, spoke of the importance of genuine friendship, quoting Biblical examples. He said, ”All our friendship should lead us to the ultimate friendship with Jesus,” and highlighted how as friends and through bonds of friendship reaching out in times of societal crisis, especially in these COVID-19 times.

Father Burkhao then guided a discussion on the formation of the COVID-19 Task Force in 04 Teams, with the following responsibilities:

1) to collect the data of people's health and vaccination status.

2) to update the availability of the hospitals, medical aid facilities.

3) to update the availability of vaccines.

4) to coordinate and conduct relief outreach.

An interactive session on friendship with various videos and group dynamics, stressed the meaning of friendship and the qualities of a true friend. A short feedback provided a positive response. One of the young people remarked, “this year’s friendship day celebration was very unique and wonderful.”