BIS #7289 Leadership Seminar for SYM- Gujarat Region

by Fr Ashwin Macwan for BIS Mumbai

On September 1, 2024, a Leadership Seminar for the Leaders of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) Gujarat Region was held at Don Bosco Kapadvanj, in the serene environment of AmrutDhara. This event, organized by the SYM Gujarat Region, brought together young leaders from across the region to engage in a day filled with spiritual enrichment, leadership training, and fellowship.

The day began with a Eucharistic Celebration. The main celebrant for the Holy Eucharist was Fr Ashwin Macwan, SDB, the Director of Amrutdhara and the Local SYM Delegate. Fr Ashwin, through his homily, highlighted the significance of leadership rooted in faith, drawing parallels between the life of Christ and the responsibilities of young leaders in the Salesian movement.

Following the Eucharistic Celebration, Fr Pratap Damor, Rector of Don Bosco Kapadvanj, formally welcomed the gathering. The inaugural ceremony was marked by the symbolic Lighting of the Lamp. SYM Delegates and Youth Representatives were invited to light the lamp, symbolizing the collective responsibility of the leaders in guiding the youth towards a brighter future.

The inaugural ceremony was followed by a prayer service conducted by Fr Xavier Bandya. After the prayer service, Fr Daresh Rathwa, SDB, Gujarat Region Youth Coordinator, took the stage to explain the timetable of the day. His detailed explanation ensured that the participants were aware of the schedule and the various sessions planned for the day.

The first activity of the day was a series of ice-breakers animated by Fr Agnel James. These activities were crucial in helping the participants get to know each other, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of camaraderie among the group. The ice-breakers were not just fun and engaging but also served as an excellent introduction to the dynamics of teamwork and collaboration, which are essential elements of effective leadership. 

The first formal session of the seminar was conducted by Fr Shaun D'Lima, who focused on the theme of leadership. His session was a blend of theoretical insights and practical activities, designed to help the participants understand the core principles of leadership.

The second session was led by Fr Ashwin, who delved into the different characteristics of SYM Youth Leadership. Keeping Don Bosco as the model, Fr Ashwin outlined the qualities that make an effective leader within the Salesian Youth Movement. He spoke about Don Bosco’s approach to leadership—rooted in love, empathy, and a deep commitment to the welfare of the youth. Fr Ashwin emphasized that a leader in the SYM should not only be a guide but also a friend, mentor, and role model to the youth. His session was inspirational, drawing from the life and teachings of Don Bosco, and it left a lasting impact on the participants.

The final session of the day was conducted by Fr Daresh Rathwa, SDB, who provided important information about the forthcoming Salesian Youth Fest to be held in Chennai. He briefed the participants on the objectives, activities, and expected outcomes of the event, encouraging them to actively participate and represent the Gujarat region with enthusiasm. This session was also an opportunity to reflect on the day’s activities and the knowledge gained.

As the seminar drew to a close, Fr Daresh Rathwa took the opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the seminar. He expressed his gratitude to the SYM leaders for their active participation and to the host community of Don Bosco Kapadvanj for their hospitality and support. His words of appreciation underscored the collaborative effort that made the seminar a fruitful and enriching experience for all.

The day ended with a fellowship meal, where the participants, facilitators, and organizers came together to share a meal. 

The Leadership Seminar at Don Bosco Kapadvanj was a resounding success, providing young leaders with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration needed to lead effectively within the Salesian Youth Movement. The blend of spiritual enrichment, practical leadership training, and the spirit of fellowship made it a memorable and transformative experience for all participants. As these young leaders return to their respective communities, they carry with them the lessons learned, ready to lead with faith, love, and the Salesian spirit.