BIS #7227 Principals' Meet at DBPH

by Dn Jeswin Mastan for BISMumbai

The recent Principals' Meet at Don Bosco Provincial House in Matunga, held from July 25 to 27, was a significant event for the Mumbai Province’s educational leaders. The first day began with a meaningful Mass led by Fr. Savio Silvera, Provincial of the Mumbai Province. His sermon, inspired by the Gospel passage, highlighted three essential qualities for effective leadership: humility, service, and sacrifice.

Following the Mass, Fr. Flovi D'Souza, Provincial Councillor and coordinator for the schools of Mumbai Province, officially welcomed the resource person, Fr. John Parankimalil SDB. As the SPCSA Secretary and coordinator for education and cultural dimensions, Fr. Parankimalil provided a comprehensive and engaging series of sessions on various pertinent topics. His discussions covered becoming a principal, leadership in today’s context, Salesian leadership Don Bosco’s pedagogy, and the evolving landscape of 21st-century education. He also addressed the overlooked responsibilities of principals and the qualities of effective school leadership. His sessions were enriched with movie clips and flowed seamlessly, enhancing the learning experience.

On the third day, Fr. Savio Silvera reiterated his concerns and advice to the principals. He emphasized five key characteristics of Salesian schools: family spirit, value education, co-curricular activities, outreach to the poor, and leadership by example. Fr. Sunil Pinto provided insights into the Child Protection Policy. At the same time, Fr. Ashley Miranda, Vice Provincial of Mumbai Province, commended the principals for their dedication and their role as representatives of both Mumbai Province and Don Bosco to the youth.

After lunch, Fr. Flovi facilitated a discussion in regional groups, encouraging principals to share their insights and discussions with the larger group. The meeting concluded with a sense of shared learning and enrichment, underscoring the value of collaboration and continuous growth in educational leadership. A total of 28 participants, including both principals and vice principals from 24 schools in the Mumbai Province, were present.