BIS #6964 Thanksgiving Day at DBITI Kurla

By Mr Amarr Prabhu for BISMumbai

Don Bosco ITI, Kurla, observed Thanksgiving Day on 1 July 2023, marking the culmination of the academic year and expressing gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon the institute. The day was also dedicated to bidding farewell to the outgoing trainees, a cherished tradition at Don Bosco.

The festivities began with a Thanksgiving mass held at the Chapel in DBCL, Kurla, the previous day. The Catholic trainees attended the mass, which was celebrated by Fr Brian Moras and Fr Anthony Pinto, the Rector of DBCL. Fr Moras delivered a heartfelt homily, emphasising the significance of gratitude and appreciation. During the offertory procession, the trainees symbolically offered books, tools, equipment, and safety gear, representing knowledge, technical education, and prioritising well-being. Fr. Tony concluded the mass by imparting valuable life lessons and guidance to the outgoing trainees.

On the day of Thanksgiving, Fr Pinto, Fr Moras, Fr Charles Anthony, and Mr Amarr Prabhu, the Principal of DBITI, were warmly welcomed. The event commenced with a prayer service culminating in a song of gratitude. The outgoing trainees delivered speeches, sharing their experiences and expressing their deep appreciation for the institute. The first-year trainees showcased their talents through dance performances and singing, adding an entertaining touch to the occasion. Mr John Rodrigues, Training Instructor, delivered a heartfelt Thanksgiving speech, followed by the ceremonial closing of the house system, symbolising the passing of the legacy to the junior trainees.

Fr Pinto, in his address, commended the well-planned Thanksgiving Day ceremony and expressed his appreciation for the outgoing trainees’ speeches. He emphasised the importance of hard work, commitment, and skill development, reflecting on the values exemplified by Don Bosco. He also emphasised the significance of gratitude towards Mother Mary's protection and expounded upon the fundamental principles of the Don Bosco brand. Concluding his speech, he advised the trainees to utilise their gift of freedom to foster kindness and charity, advocating against division and conflicts within society.

The Principal of DBITI, Mr Prabhu, was then invited to speak and was met with resounding applause from the trainees, demonstrating their appreciation. He expressed gratitude to the management for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout the year. He highlighted the importance of kindness and concluded his speech with a poignant audiovisual presentation on acts of kindness, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

The Thanksgiving Day ceremony concluded with the presentation of a memory video titled ‘Power of Dream’, featuring a compilation of pictures capturing the various events and activities of the past year. The trainees were then given the opportunity to showcase their dancing skills as the DJ took over, creating a lively and joyful atmosphere.

Don Bosco ITI, Kurla, thus celebrated Thanksgiving Day, combining expressions of gratitude with heartfelt farewells to the outgoing trainees.