BIS #7279 Through Mary to Jesus - Marian Morn at Divyadaan

by Cl Albert Antony

To deepen the love for Our Lady and to honor and celebrate the virtues she exudes, the brothers of Divyadaan organized a Marian Morn for the youth of the Diocese of Nashik. Following the theme ‘Through Mary to Jesus’, the youth from the different city parishes of Nashik diocese enjoyed a day of activity and games on August 25, 2024.

The program commenced with a solemn Holy Eucharistic celebration, presided over by the Rector of Divyadaan, Fr Robert Pen SDB. The youngsters were divided into five teams with the help of a creative activity. The program consisted of a variety of creative games centered on the life of Mother Mary. The youngsters participated enthusiastically and worked together to compete for the title of Marian Knights. A selfie point, dress-up like Mary and Marian reel making were some of the highlights of the event. All the activities and games while helping the young learn about Mary in one way, also helped them bond together. With each team consisting of members from different parishes, the activities afforded them opportunities to showcase their skills and talents while building up a spirit of familiarity.

The young people who participated enjoyed themselves and expressed their gratitude at such an educational and fun program. One of them said, “We learned a lot about our Lady through the spectacular games and team activities that were conducted.” Another said, “We are going back happy because we had this opportunity to meet our friends and make new friends. While I knew some of the things about Mother Mary, there were other things I heard for the first time and so I am grateful to the organizers for this beautiful day.” The program ended with a solemn fellowship meal for all the youngsters.