BIS #7312 Province Secretaries Meet at DBPH Matunga

by Fr Vinod Mascarenhas for BIS Mumbai

The province secretaries of the South Asia Region had their annual meeting on September 17 and 18, 2024, at Don Bosco Provincial House, Matunga, Mumbai. Fr Biju Michael, the South Asia Regional Councillor, and Fr John Parankimalil, the SPCSA (Salesian Provincial Conference of South Asia) Secretary, were also present for the meeting.

Fr Savio Silveira, the Provincial of Bombay, celebrated the Eucharist on the first day of the meeting. In his homily, he commented on Jesus' "fascinating miracle" of the raising of the son of the widow of Nain; it is a unique miracle because Jesus took the initiative to reach out to the widow. He took the initiative because he empathized with the widow and was convinced that we are one family and have one Father. Don Bosco lived this conviction of "one family, one Father", empathized with the young and the poor, and took many initiatives for them; he, thus, participated in the mission of the Kingdom. We, who share in his dream, ought to do likewise.

Following the opening prayer and felicitation, Fr Silveira addressed the secretaries, thanking them for being the anchors and pivots of their provinces' missions. He highlighted the ABCD of being a provincial secretary: anticipation, briefing, communication, and documentation.

Fr Godfrey D'Souza, the Rector of Don Bosco, Matunga, spoke about the secretaries' role, urging them to be caring through empathy, effective communication, support, and building personal connections.

Fr Parankimalil presented the SPCSA Secretary's role, requesting assistance in documentation. Fr Jacob Iruppakkaattu and Fr Vinod Mascarenhas shared their experiences as secretaries.

Fr Joaquim D'Souza, the former Provincial and the former Regional Councillor,  shared points on SPCSA's functioning and his "dream that makes the SPCSA dream".

Fr Biju Michael presented the "With the Youth to Eradicate Poverty: Reduction of Multidimensional Poverty" project, aiming to remove poverty from 500,000 young people's families in six years.  He emphasized that this is not just a project but a purposeful journey that touches our identity as Salesians; it is in alignment with the SDGs and the declared directive of GC28 to make an “absolute priority for the young, the poorest and most abandoned and defenceless."

On the second day, Fr Michael presided at the Eucharist, reminding secretaries they are "custodians of the truth" in the province.

The Regional Councillor and secretaries discussed the secretary's role, data management, understanding regional bodies, social communication, programs, and procedures for requests to the Rector Major.  Fr Michael concluded the interaction by reminding the secretaries of their crucial role as notaries.

The secretaries visited the Archdiocesan Heritage Museum at St Pius X College, Goregaon, fascinated by the Catholic heritage and explanations from Ms Joynel Fernandes and her team.

The meeting provided an engaging experience, fostering bonding among secretaries and with the Regional Councillor.