BIS #6439 DBYC Pune encourages young people to celebrate ‘Season of Creation’

by Cleric Christopher Nadar with Father Ian Doulton for BISMumbai

On Sunday 05 September 2021, the community of DBYC [Don Bosco Youth Centre] Pune, organized a get-together for the young people of the Diocese of Poona to celebrate the commencement of the ‘Season of Creation’.

During the prayer service that was organized, the participants made a symbolic personal commitment to preserve Mother Earth. This was followed by an inspirational message on ‘care for creation’ by Rector-Father Ian Doulton wherein he encouraged everyone to take personal responsibility to save planet Earth by doing little things that will make a big impact in this regard. Administrator-Father Vivian D’Souza oriented the gathering to the SYM (Salesian Youth Movement) sharing its history, its purpose and its timelines for young people today. To break out of the seriousness of the session, the Salesian scholastics organized interesting interactive games, which was followed by snacks.

Abraham’s Tent has been pitched on the DBYC lawn to inform passers-by that the ‘Season of Creation’ has begun in Pune.