BIS #7245 Priestly Ordination of Deacon Nathaneal George

by Alphonsa Ohol for BIS Mumbai

The ordination of Deacon Nathaneal George took place on August 10, 2024, at Sacred Heart Parish, Yerwada. The ceremony began at 4 p.m. with a Solemn Eucharist that began with an introduction and procession of Priests and Deacon Nathaneal. This sacred occasion was graced by the presence of Bishop John Rodrigues, the Bishop of Poona, who presided over the ceremony, alongside 60 priests, brothers and nuns, family members and friends. Notably, Deacon Nathaneal’s companions and Rector Fr K. M. Jose of Rattisbonne Monastery, Jerusalem also travelled to witness this significant milestone in his spiritual journey.

Bishop Rodrigues delivered a deeply meaningful homily centered on Deacon Nathaneal’s chosen motto: "The Spirit will guide you into all truth" (John 16:13). The Bishop's message was both spiritually enriching and profoundly reflective, urging all present to live with compassion, integrity, and truth. The homily resonated deeply, reinforcing the values that Deacon Nathaneal cherishes as he embarks on his new role in the priesthood.

Following the homily, the momentous rite of Ordination began. Deacon Nathaneal, the only child of his parents and a devout member of The Resurrection Parish, Kalas, originally part of Sacred Heart Parish was presented to the Bishop. During the ceremony, Bishop John affirmed his readiness to take on the responsibilities and challenges of priesthood.

The pinnacle of the ceremony was marked by Bishop laying hands on Deacon Nathaneal, invoking the Holy Spirit to confer upon him the grace of the priesthood. This sacred act followed the prayer of consecration, transforming Deacon Nathaneal into Fr. Nathaneal George, a priest of God.

In the subsequent part of the ceremony, Fr Nathaneal was vested with the stole and chasuble, traditional symbols of his new role, by his Novice Master, Fr Solomon Rapol. He was then presented with a chalice and paten, emblematic of his duty to celebrate the Eucharist. The master of ceremony, Fr Bosco D'Mello, ensured that the event proceeded smoothly and with the reverence it deserved.

A moment of profound joy followed as the newly ordained Priest was embraced by Bishop John and the assembled priests, symbolizing his formal entry into the priestly ministry. The Eucharistic celebration continued with deep reverence, followed by a heartfelt vote of thanks by Fr Nathaneal himself. He expressed his profound gratitude to everyone who had supported him on his journey to priesthood, with special mention of his family, the Provincial of Mumbai Province- Fr Savio Silveria, the Salesian community, and his mentors.

The Provincial also expressed his gratitude towards Fr Nathaneal, his mother, his relatives, various Salesian formation communities and his mentors. Fr Provincial also thanked the community of Sacred Heart Parish, Yerwada for their support and cooperation in hosting the event.

The ordination of Fr Nathaneal George was not just a personal milestone but a celebration of a life dedicated to God and service. It marks the beginning of his ministry as a priest, a time of renewed commitment to serving God and the community with dedication, love, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.