BIS #6264 Boarders' get together at Dominic Savio Andheri

by Haydn Dias for BISMumbai

The junior boarders of classes 06, 07 and 08, and the senior boarders of classes 09 and 10, were invited along with their parents / guardians to the boarding once again, in an ongoing effort to keep the boys and their parents / guardians engaged, included and informed. The juniors and seniors were invited on different days. The boarders accompanied by their parents/ guardian came to Dominic Savio Boys Home on 24January and 26 January, respectively. On arrival, each family met with the Rector-Father Brian Moras. and with Prefect of Studies-Father Ranson D’Souza and Administrator-Father Shekar Mariadas

After a quick snack break, Prafulta Director-Father Godfrey D’Sa introduced the parents / guardians of the junior boys, to Shalu Mehrotra, who is a senior psychotherapist with Prafulta, the Don Bosco Center For Psychological Wellness. Mehrotra conducted an interactive session with the parents / guardians, and encouraged them to discuss some of the challenges they faced with their children, especially during these difficult times. She then offered them professional guidance on how various situations and challenges at home can be addressed differently, so as to produce a better outcome, and also told them that they could contact her at Prafulta if they have further queries.

As usual, there were organized games conducted for the boys (cricket / football) organised by Clerics Nevelle Coutinho and Vinay, Ganawa, which needless to say, the boys thoroughly enjoyed. After a simple hearty meal, the boys and their families departed, but not before saying goodbye to all at St. Dominic Savio Boys’ Home. From what the boys said, they are longing to get back to the boarding and back to their normal routine, and so is the team at DSBH Andheri.