BIS #6992 GuRaM SYM Leaders Meet at Makarpura

By Fr Jerome Edison for BISMumbai

The youth leaders of the Salesian institutions of the Gujarat region attended the orientation programme conducted at Don Bosco, Makarpura, on 29 July 2023. 

The program began at 9:00 a.m. with a short prayer service that was animated by the Baroda SYM members in an interactive and symbolic style of devotion. An icebreaker was conducted by Frs Bosco Carvalho and Shaun D’Lima to emphasise leadership and also allow the participants to get to know each other. 

Fr Ashwin Macwan, the director of Amrut Dhara Animation Centre, Kapadvanj, was the resource person for the day. He gave inputs largely centred on orienting 24 young leaders, from various Salesian houses in Gujarat and the Madhya Pradesh region towards the Salesian Youth Movement. 

Fr Macwan emphasised the purpose of leadership as the ability to inspire, influence, and guide individuals or a group of people towards a common goal or vision. He then moved on to enumerate the key characteristics and qualities of effective leadership. He said that one of the important qualities of a good leader is a commitment to continuous learning. He further added that continuous learning includes staying updated on industry trends and seeking feedback from others.

Later, Fr Ajay Shelke, the Youth Ministry Delegate of the Gujarat region, addressed his concern with the basics of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM). He exhorted the youth leaders to guide their respective youth groups according to the vision of Don Bosco. All youth groups should become vibrant in active prayer, effectively use media to promote love and peace, and become alert and alive in the Salesian mission by creating a renewed movement. 

The last part of the programme was to elect the three Zonal SYM leaders to represent the Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh region. Mr Aryan Christi was elected the President, Mr Vipul Christi as the Vice President and Ms Oshien Sequeira as Secretary. 

Mr Vipul Christi remarked, “It's God's grace to work with Don Bosco. I have received many blessings from the Salesian fathers, sisters, and brothers, and it's time for me to pay forward this blessing through leadership.”

Fr Carvalho, commenting on the day’s programme, said, “The SYM Leaders Meet was organised in a complete Salesian way, creatively and prayerfully, designed to enhance leadership in the Region.”