BIS #7443 Scout Camp 2024
by Cl Presley for BIS Mumbai
The Kilbil St. Joseph's High School conducted a 3-day camp for the Scouts of the 9th Std in their respective campus from the 26th to the 28th December. The Camp was organised by the Brothers of Divyadaan, Salesian Institute of Philosophy, who teach Scouting to the students of the institute.
The Camp officially started on December 26 at 4 pm. The total number of students was 78. The brothers started the camp by welcoming the students and making the students feel comfortable while also expressing their expectations from them throughout the camp. The boys were divided into 6 patrols based on different animal and bird names, and were evaluated on the basis of the points system under the categories of Discipline, Reporting and Participation. The mornings began with the B.P. exercises; There were various sessions on Day 1 and 2 of the camp which were deemed very important for the students to learn, and from which the students were evaluated on the last day of the camp; these sessions included First Aid, Media and Communication, to name a few. The students were constantly kept energized through some catchy action songs and games in between sessions and during the camp. The students were also taught to pitch a tent and were provided a tent each for the patrols. The boys were encouraged to also build gadgets and taught important procedures like Inspection and Flag Break.
A Grand Campfire was set on the last night, in which each patrol were given the tasks of creating a yell, a clap and an advertisement based on a value, while also preparing a logo connected to their patrol name. It turned out to be fun and entertaining where the students enjoyed it every bit and wholeheartedly participated.
The final day consisted of the practical and theory exams and a felicitation ceremony in which various prizes were distributed which included the prizes for the best patrol, best scout, and a gift for each patrol.
The students were truly thrilled with the camp, and left the institute leaving a galore of memories behind them. The brothers too found it as an excellent opportunity to showcase their trained skill of being a Scout Master.