BIS #7296 Feast of the Nativity of Our Blessed Virgin Mary

by Alphonsa Ohol for BIS Mumbai

The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated with great reverence through a Solemn Eucharistic Mass on September 8, 2024. The bilingual celebration was presided over by Fr. Ashley Miranda, the Vice Provincial, as the main celebrant, accompanied by Fr. Michael Fernandes, Fr. Crispino D'Souza, Fr. Alex Carvalho and Fr. Anthony Patole as concelebrants. The ceremony began with a dance performance by students from the school and Sunday Catechism, followed by altar servers. The entrance procession featured 15 girls dressed as Mother Mary.

During the homily, Fr. Ashley Miranda reflected on the theme "Mary and Prayer." He spoke about Mary’s humble nature and how her trust in God enabled her to face the many challenges of life. He encouraged the faithful to place their trust in God, assuring them of His guidance in all circumstances. Mary was portrayed as a woman of deep prayer, and Fr. Ashley urged the faithful to follow her example by listening to God’s Word, living by it, and praying for those in need.

During the nine days of novena, masses were celebrated alternately in Marathi and English by different preachers, each day focusing on distinct spiritualities present in the church, such as Carmelite, Diocesan Priest, Eucharistic, Ignatian, Family, Marian, Franciscan, Salesian, and Lay Spirituality.

This year, the parish celebrates its Golden Jubilee, commemorating 50 years of faith and devotion. It is also the Silver Jubilee of the Strikers Group, which has dedicated 25 years in organizing the Novena in honor of Mother Mary. The chosen theme for the year, "A family that prays together, stays together" 

The Strikers Group, composed of members from various religious backgrounds, has faithfully collaborated with the parish for the past 25 years in organizing this devotion to Mother Mary. As a tribute to their dedication, they compiled a prayer booklet containing all the prayers, which was released during the novena days by Bishop John Rodrigues. This booklet will be distributed to every family in the parish as a souvenir. 

In his vote of thanks, Fr. Michael Fernandes, the Parish Priest, expressed heartfelt appreciation for all those involved in the Novena, particularly the Strikers Group. Their commitment was evident through their efforts in daily decorating the statue of Mother Mary, changing her saree, distributing grams, arranging the lighting, and preparing the float for the procession. Fr. Michael also thanked the volunteers of our parish associations who contributed to the success of the novena.

Following the Mass, a Solemn procession took place, with the statue of Our Lady carried on a beautifully adorned float. The procession was accompanied by the recitation of the Rosary and devotional hymns. Fr. Michael led a short prayer, which culminated in the lowering of the flag, while the faithful fervently chanted “Ave Maria.” A large number of faithful attended the celebration, which concluded with the singing of a birthday song in honor of Mother Mary and a fellowship meal in the school hall.

This milestone of 25 years of service, alongside the parish's 50-year journey of faith, marked a significant chapter in the history of Sacred Heart Parish, one that will continue to inspire generations to come.