BIS #7508 Samay: Rooted in the Past, Shaping the Future – 23rd Annual Thanksgiving Day
by Fr Chris Ferreira for BIS Mumbai
On February 19, 2025, Don Bosco High School – Makarpura celebrated the much-anticipated Annual Day of their students in the foundational phase from Nursery to STD Two. The entire campus was abuzz with excitement as parents, teachers and guests gathered to see their little ones take the stage.
The evening commenced with a warm welcome to the esteemed chief guest, Fr Stanny J. Ferreira SDB, a pioneer of the Salesian Gujarat Missions. He was accompanied by Fr Issac Arackaparambil SDB - the School’s Rector and Parish Priest, Ms Leena Varghese - the Principal, Fr Jerome Edison SDB, the Vice-Principal, and other members of the management. Fr Isaac welcomed all the parents and well-wishers to the programme; in his brief speech, he exhorted the parents to continue supporting the school through their active participation in the school’s playway activities for their kids. He said, “These most little ones, see what we do and learn, they don’t usually learn from what we say; therefore, let the examples we set, be ones that we would like our children to be.”
The traditional Lighting of the Lamp ceremony was carried out by the Chief Guest and the School Management. It was admirable to see the smallest kids from the nursery and KG section come to the stage and compere the programme for the evening. Their innocence and perfect delivery of their lines won the hearts and tears of all.
After a gracious welcome dance, Fr Stanny was felicitated on the stage and invited to address the gathering. He appreciated the efforts mothers put in to raise their children, spoke of the freedom to explore and grow that we as caretakers must give to little ones and lauded the variety of activities that only Don Bosco offers to children of this age. His words of encouragement were reciprocated with a loud round of applause. This was followed by the School's Annual Report that highlighted the school’s achievements in academics and extracurricular activities over the past year.
The students from the age of 3 to 8, put up an amazing Cultural Extravaganza – Samay: A Journey Through Time entitled Rooted in the Past, Shaping the Future. It was a dance theatrical performance that took the audience on a time-travel adventure wherein the students reenacted historical and futuristic eras, demonstrating the evolution of human civilization. Jr. KG (B&D) showcased the Animal Era. Nursery (A&B) portrayed the tribal era. Std. 1 (A&B) brought forth the grandeur of royal dynasties with the Kings’ Era. Nursery (C&D) depicted the revolution the wheel brought in the Transportation Era. Jr. KG (A&C) brought to life the Era of Electricity. Sr. KG (A&B) in the Communication Era showcased the transition from letters to social media today. Std. 2A & Std. 1C portrayed the Entertainment Era. Std. 2B & Std. 1A offered a glimpse into a tech-driven future through a Robotic Era performance.
Each segment featured colourful dances, striking visuals, and smiling faces that left the audience mesmerized. In conclusion, a little girl with her heartfelt Vote of Thanks appreciated the collective efforts of the teachers, staff, and parents in making the event a success. The National Anthem marked the end of the program, as families departed with smiles and cherished memories of a spectacular evening.