BIS #7274 Social Ministry Delegates Meet 2024 at DBPH

by Mr Mahesh Kumar for BIS Mumbai

The 'Social Ministry Delegates Meet 2024' highlighted the Salesian commitment to empowering vulnerable youth through key initiatives aimed at connecting young people with skills and employment opportunities. The event, held on August 21, 2024, emphasized the need for strategic efforts in youth development across the Province.

The meeting began with a warm welcome by Fr George Miranda, Executive Director of DBDS, who introduced the resource persons for the event: Mr Mahesh Kumar and Fr Mayank Parmar, Rector of Don Bosco Kawant. Following a brief prayer to set a reflective tone, Fr Savio delivered his address, setting the stage for the discussions and presentations that followed.

Fr Savio Silveira, Provincial, addressed the delegates, sharing valuable insights from his extensive experience in social work. He emphasized on the firm commitment of the Salesian mission to serve the poor and abandoned youth. Reiterating the importance of initiatives like the Oratory, Fr Savio spoke about its aims to draw vulnerable children and youth into the nurturing environment of Don Bosco Premises. He also introduced 'Project Awsar,' designed to connect youth with skills and employment opportunities. He urged delegates to explore comprehensive support systems, including hostel arrangements, skill development, and psycho-social support, to transform these young people into upright citizens. Fr Savio also shared successful examples from other provinces, encouraging the delegates to replicate these models. He concluded his address by expressing gratitude to DBDS for organizing the meet and appreciating the delegates for their participation.

Mr Mahesh Kumar presented an insightful session on 'People, Development Approaches, and Sustainable Projects,' sharing experiences of sustainable impact through engaging stories of individuals and organizations. This was followed by a session led by Fr Mayank Parmar on SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results) Analysis. Delegates were divided into regional groups (Gujarat reg, Mumbai, and Nagar region) to apply the SOAR framework to their respective areas, with each group presenting their analytical reports, offering a comprehensive overview of their region’s strategic priorities.

The event also included a review of the province priorities for the period 2019-2025, facilitated by Fr Mayank. Delegates engaged in a detailed discussion on the progress made and suggested further improvements to enhance the effectiveness of their efforts.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks by Fr George Miranda, who expressed gratitude to Fr Savio for his guidance, the resource persons for their contributions, and the delegates for their active participation. He also acknowledged the logistical support provided by the lay staff and Fr Vinod Mascarenhas, Rector of DBPH.

Marked by thoughtful discussions and a shared commitment to the Salesian mission, the 'Social Ministry Delegates Meet 2024' set a strong foundation for future initiatives aimed at empowering youth.