BIS #7219 Inauguration of Marian Month 2024 at Chhotaudepur

by Selvin D’mello for BIS Mumbai

On 16th July 2024 the community of Don Bosco Chhotaudepur along with the boarders assembled in the campus to inaugurate the Marian month 2024. The inaugural program began with Marian procession from the grotto of our Lady at the entrance, the boys sang number of bhajans during the procession. The inaugural program was held in the hall, the program began with a welcome dance in which all the boys participated. It was followed by lighting of the lamp; all the community members and the student representative lit the lamp. Mr Kulsing our boarding master gave brief information about the Marian month; in his introduction he mentioned about the tradition of celebrating the Marian month in the Salesian boardings across the country. He also highlighted major activities which will be held during this month in preparation for the feast of Assumption.

 The chief guest for the program was Fr George Carlos, the rector of the institute. In his inaugural message to the gathering Fr Carlos emphasized the importance of Marian devotion in Salesian houses, and our need to rely on our Lady’s assistance. Fr Carlos further encouraged the boys to have strong devotion to our Blessed Mother and come closer to her during this Marian month. Fr Carlos concluded his address by thanking Dn Selvin and the boarding masters and the boys who have put a lot of effort to plan and prepare for this event. After the inaugural address Fr Carlos along with the community members unveil the Marian calendar on which all the activities of the month have been displayed.  Mr Kulsing along with a group of boys sang several bhajans in honour of our Blessed Mother.

 At the end of the program Dn Selvin delivered the vote of thanks, he began by thanking the Almighty God for the gift of our Blessed Mother to the world. He furthered thanked the two boarding masters Mr Kulsing and Mr Revindra for their painstaking efforts to prepare the boys to host this inaugural program. Special thanks were rendered to Fr Carlos the rector of the institute and the other members of the community for their unwavering support and encouragement to our boys. Finally, he thanked all the captains of the teams and the various committees who were responsible in preparing this inaugural program. The inaugural program concluded on a sweet note as the boarders were given prasad to sweeten their mouth, after which there was a timli – a Trible folk dance by our boarders.