BIS #7217 Provincial Commissions' Meeting Convenes at Don Bosco Provincial House, Mumbai

by Ankita Shelke for BIS Mumbai


On July 18, 2024, the Don Bosco Provincial House in Mumbai buzzed with activity as it hosted the annual Provincial Commissions' Meeting. This gathering brought together key members from various sectors to discuss plans, outcomes, and future directions for the province, setting the stage for a year of focused efforts and collaborative progress.

 The day-long event commenced at 9 a.m. with a General Assembly, featuring inspiring addresses from the Provincial and Vice Provincial. Fr Savio Silveria, the Provincial, warmly welcomed the attendees, expressing heartfelt gratitude for their presence and unwavering dedication to the province's works. His speech centered on the concept of a "Dream Year," emphasizing the importance of transforming aspirations into reality through the diverse works and sectors within the province.

 Fr Silveria's address touched upon several critical areas that demand attention and innovation. He spoke passionately about Youth at Risk (YAR) services, acknowledging the challenges faced by vulnerable young people and the province's commitment to supporting them. The Provincial also delved into the evolving landscape of technical education, discussing both the hurdles and opportunities that lie ahead. Additionally, he addressed the rapidly changing face of school education, recognizing the need for adaptability in this dynamic field.

 A key theme throughout his address was the necessity of developing concrete plans to bring the province's collective dreams to life. He highlighted the crucial role of commission members in driving the province forward, especially in a world where young people's worlds are changing at an unprecedented pace.

 Vice Provincial Fr. Ashley Miranda took the stage to provide practical guidelines for the commissions. His focus was on ensuring effective organization and follow-through. Fr Miranda stressed the importance of scheduling regular meetings to maintain momentum, appointing secretaries to document progress, thoroughly reviewing the province's OPP, and creating verifiable action plans to track and measure success.

 The assembly then transitioned into focused commission meetings, with various groups convening in different venues throughout the Provincial House. These commissions, covering a wide range of areas including Schools, Higher Education Institutions, Technical Institutions, Youth at Risk, Parishes, Social Ministry, Salesian Vocation Animation, Formation, Education to Faith, Vocational Guidance, and Oratories and Youth Centres, worked diligently to discuss and prepare their annual plans.

 The event concluded at 4 p.m. with tea and departures, marking the end of a productive day of planning and collaboration for the various sectors.

 This annual meeting set the stage for a year of focused efforts across various sectors, with an emphasis on realizing dreams through concrete actions and adapting to the changing needs of youth in the province.