BIS #7297 Salesian Youth Synod 2024

by Bernadette Menezes and Leander Pereira for BIS Mumbai

The Salesian Youth Synod, held in Valdocco and Colle Don Bosco, Italy, was a significant gathering of almost 300 young people from 93 nations along with SDB priests and FMA sisters. Bernadette Menezes and Leander Pereira represented Mumbai Province, with Bernadette as a participant and Leander as a core group member.

After months of dedicated efforts by the SDBs, FMAs, and core group members, their hard work finally came to fruition as the Synod commenced at Valdocco. 

The inaugural program began with an address by Fr. Jose Lorbeth Vivo and the Synodal theme song, prepared by the youth from Bolivia. Following this, the youth were given a guided tour of Don Bosco’s significant places at Valdocco.

Upon arriving the next day at Colle Don Bosco, the Synod’s primary focus shifted to drafting the "Instrumentum Laboris." This draft would serve as the foundation for creating the final document.

Working in language-based groups, the youth diligently discussed and revised the document, culminating in a final vote on the last day of working on the document.

In the presence of the Rector Major and the Mayor of Castelnuovo, the very field where Don Bosco’s dream at the age of 9 took place was officially blessed, transforming it into a meaningful place for pilgrims to come and reflect on his life.

Aside from the synodal work, the event featured various engaging activities, such as a pilgrimage to the holy sites associated with Don Bosco, the SYM Market in which participants exchanged souvenirs with other gathered youth. The "Circus of Dreams" and a magic show depicted the early life of young John Bosco, who himself was an acrobat, juggler, and magician, performing for the children in his neighborhood.

A memorable highlight was the adoration ceremony, where the youth wrote down their dreams in life and discussed them with the SDBs in their groups. Later, they were entrusted with the Cross of the Good Shepherd as a symbol of their commitment.

On the final days of the Synod, the Rector Major participated in a panel discussion where he addressed questions by the youth centered around the theme, "Dreams Are Always Shaping the World.”

The Synod was a testament to the power of youth coming together with faith and energy. The dedicated efforts of the core group and participants from diverse backgrounds contributed to the event's success. The Synod not only shaped the final document but also strengthened bonds of unity and commitment to the Salesian mission.