BIS #6520 Amrutdhara vocation animation workshop for Dominican nuns
by Father Mayank Parmar for BISMumbai
Amrutdhara Don Bosco Kapadvanj organised a vocation animation workshop on 08-09 November 2021 for the Dominican nuns. The vocational dimension head of the Dominican nuns, headed by Sister Kokila OP approached the Amrutdhara Centre to help sisters better animate young people for their life.
Amrutdhara Asst. Director-Father Ashwin Macwan conducted 02 initial sessions explaining about vocation, religious vocation, general trend among youth about vocation, and the challenges faced in pursuing a genuine vocation.
Post-lunch Amrutdhara Director-Father Mayank Parmar animated the nuns dealing with vocational fragility and attrition. Thereafter, the specific Missionary Dominican Sisters of the Rosary’s spirituality, vision, mission, aim, objective, apostolate, etc. were discussed and reflected upon.
The nuns discussed the possibility of how to tap young people in order to continue and support the apostolate. On the following day, they formulated their vocation policy for the province. The activities and budget schedule for the year ahead were planned.
OP Provincial Sister Meena shared, "this was the first time such inputs were given to our sisters with regard to vocation animation. Now our sisters will be more focused in carrying out this ministry." Sister Kokila the coordinator said, "the input sessions and guidance given by the Salesian fathers were very encouraging. We also enjoyed the Salesian hospitality."