BIS #7299 Night Vigil at Resurrection Church, Virar

By Jude Pinto for BISMumbai

On September 7, 2024, Resurrection Church, Virar, organized a "Night Vigil," requested by and for the youth of the parish. All parishioners, young and old, were invited.

The Resurrection Youth Coordinator, following the request by the youth core group, Youth Director Father Francis Fernandes, and instructions of Parish Priest Father Thomas D'costa, invited Brother Leon Gonsalves, a lay brother from the Vasai diocese known for his Charismatic Retreats, who accepted to come with his team.

The theme of the Vigil was "Jesus Heals" and started at 8 p.m. with praise and worship. About 70 people attended, singing hymns and dancing following the team leading the praise and worship. There was an invitation to the Holy Spirit to take over, after which the church echoed with praises to God. Hands raised, Jesus praised, and there was a mix of smiles and tears. Some went to the Confessionals where the two Assistant Priests of the Parish, Father Fernandes and Father Joseph Soares, conducted confessions.

The praise and worship were followed by testimonies from two young members of Brother Gonsalves' team, sharing their past experiences and how Jesus touched them in their darkest moments, healing them of inner pain and hidden fears. They also shared how Jesus gradually built them up in every area of their life.

Brother Gonsalves then presented the Word of God on the screen, with a slide of Jesus healing the man at the pool. He explained how Jesus' healing power can be experienced fully through faith, not only externally but also internally, with Jesus lastly telling the man, "Go and sin no more."

Brother Gonsalves shared his own testimony of how Jesus, through the intercession of Our Blessed Lady of Lourdes, healed him as his health deteriorated in the ICU with COVID-19. He mentioned that doctors called his sudden recovery a miracle.

Father Fernandes led the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, bringing everyone to their knees. Brother Gonsalves led the adoration and a prayer of repentance. Those who felt the need for prayer and inner healing were invited to the front where Brother Gonsalves and the team prayed with them, while team members sang and played the organ softly in adoration. Many came forward for inner healing and queued at the Confessionals.

The Night Vigil ended with a prayer, thanking God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother Mary on the eve of her birthday.