BIS #7200 Empowering Dreamers to Become Achievers

-By Ms Raveena D’Souza

Looking at St Dominic Savio, as a role model for leaders, Don Bosco High School held its investiture ceremony on July 6, 2024. This solemn event, attended by school management, teachers, and students alike, underscored the theme ‘From Dreamers to Compassionate Achievers’, emphasizing the transformative journey that lies ahead for the newly appointed leaders.

The ceremony commenced with a dignified procession led by the school captains accompanying the chief guests and faculty members. The symbolic lighting of the lamp reflected the enlightenment and guidance that the newly installed leaders would seek when assuming their responsibilities.

A highlight of the event was an inspiring assembly by Class 10B, which paid tribute to the virtues of St Dominic Savio, championing the ideals of compassionate leadership and resilience. This thematic presentation set the tone for the ceremony, reminding everyone present of the qualities that define true leadership.

In his address, Reverend Fr. Godfrey D’Souza, the Rector, encouraged the newly inducted leaders to emulate the qualities of St Dominic Savio and lead by example with courage and integrity. He also emphasized the pivotal role of student leadership in the school community.

The oath-taking ceremony was a solemn affair, with each student leader pledging their commitment to uphold their roles with diligence and responsibility. Led by the heads of each school section, the ceremony formally inducted the school captains, uniformed troops and house captains into the student leadership council, marking the beginning of their tenure.

A poignant moment during the ceremony was the investiture of the student council members, who received their official badges, ties, and blazers—a symbolic gesture representing their authority and responsibilities within the school community.

Principal Mrs. Anita Philip extended her gratitude to all involved in organizing the ceremony, emphasizing the importance of self-belief and potential in every student to become a leader. Her words encouraged the student body to embrace their roles with confidence and determination.

The Investiture Ceremony signified a positive start towards the new academic year while also valuing the gift and importance of leaders in the school community.