BIS #7321 Past Pupils and Past Teachers Reunion at Don Bosco Makarpura

by Jefrin John for BIS Mumbai

The Past Pupils Unit of Don Bosco High School Makarpura held a reunion of all retired teachers of their alma mater along with the present teaching staff on Sunday, 22nd September in the school hall. Past Pupils from the various batches of the past years also came to felicitate their teachers and relive memories of their childhood.

The program started by the gathering of all the retired teachers, past pupils and current teachers at the school compound as students of the school welcomed them all to beats of the local instruments. All – the teachers and students alike had some time to mingle with each other. Later, Fr Jerome Edison sdb, the Salesian Delegate of the Makarpura Past Pupils’ Unit began the program by introducing all the Executive Members of the Unit - Mr Roland Nicholas (President of PPA Makarpura), Mr  Stephen Castellino (Vice President of PPA Makarpura), Mr Karan Singh Gill (Secretary of PPA Makarpura) and Mr Jefrin John (GEX VP Makarpura). 

After Fr Jerome’s welcoming speech, the felicitation program followed. The Past Pupils present felicitated all the teachers by giving them a rose, a sash and a memento. Even the past pupils were felicitated by teachers with a rose, a sash and a memento. The very first batch of Don Bosco Baroda was felicitated by Mrs Leena Varghese, the Principal of Don Bosco High School – Makarpura. Later, the executive committee members were felicitated and then the rest of the past pupils were specially felicitated. After the felicitation program,  a group photo session followed and then there was a grand welcome procession of the teachers and past pupils towards the school hall, where the rest of the program ensued. After the procession the teachers had lunch and enjoyed a mega musical orchestra.

The Past Pupils were led towards the A.V Hall for the orientation program. Fr Jerome started the orientation program by explaining the importance of the Past Pupils Association of Don Bosco; the values which Don Bosco taught. Later on, Mr Roland took over and explained about PPA and made the Past Pupils familiar with all the executive members of the unit, province past pupils’ association and the World Confederation of the Past Pupil of Don Bosco as well as the Indian National Federation of the Past Pupils of  Don Bosco. 

Mr Roland also elaborated on the process of taking life time membership in the Association of Past Pupils of Don Bosco. All the Past Pupils had lunch with the teachers and enjoyed the musical orchestra that performed live. 

Retired teacher, Mrs. Shirley S, said, “I am really happy to be here and enjoy the program; I congratulate all the executive committee members of the Past Pupils Unit of our school.” Mr Umarprit Singh, one of the past pupil of Don Bosco Baroda, in his vote of thanks, thanked each of the members of executive committee for organizing the program and for giving all past pupils an opportunity to connect back to their roots and relive their cherished memories.