BIS #7250 Promoting Peace And Saving Lives

by Teacher Ashoo Verma for BIS Mumbai

On August 8, 2024, the Scouting and Guiding instructors of Don Bosco School, Nashik, organized a rally with a noble mission: to promote peace, advocate for the upliftment of tribal communities worldwide, and encourage blood donation. The event saw enthusiastic participation from the scouts and guides of Std VIII, IX, and X, who marched through the streets carrying banners and placards, chanting slogans that highlighted the importance of blood donation, peace, and support for tribal communities.

Their spirited efforts did not go unnoticed. Pedestrians, bystanders, and passersby were captivated by the rally, effectively receiving the message of the importance of blood donation, support for tribal communities, and the promotion of peace. The success of the rally was significantly bolstered by the guidance and motivation provided by the teachers.

Following the rally, a blood donation camp was organized at the school on August 10th, coinciding with Open House Day. Parents were informed in advance, and the scouts and guides took it upon themselves to encourage their parents to donate blood. Medical professionals from Arpan Blood Bank were present to conduct health screenings, ensuring that each donor met the eligibility criteria.

The success of both the rally and the blood donation camp can be largely attributed to the inspirational leadership of Principal Fr Rixson and the dedicated efforts of the Management team. Principal Fr Rixson, known for his strong and positive rapport with both students and staff, provided the encouragement and vision needed to motivate the teachers, scouts, and guides. His leadership facilitated the crucial connections with Arpan Blood Bank, ensuring the smooth execution of the blood donation camp.

Special recognition must be given to the scout masters, Sir Santosh Lahane and Sir Satish Kamble, and the guide captains, Teacher Laxmi Upadhayay and Teacher Anagha Dusane. Their dedication and expert supervision were instrumental in the success of both events.

As we celebrate the success of this campaign, it is important to remember that every pint of blood donated is a gift of life, bringing hope to those in need. This campaign serves as a reminder of the power of collective action and the impact of selfless acts.