BIS #7205 Celebrating Virtue and Leadership at Don Bosco School, Yerwada

by Mrs Alphonsa Ohol

The celebration of the Feast of St Dominic Savio was held at Don Bosco Yerwada with reverance and gratitude for the little Giant of Sanctity, on July 5, 2024.

The Don Bosco Primary had the Investiture Ceremony a day prior to the feast day, while the Secondary school and the Junior College held their event on 8th July 2024. The day began with a Mass for the Catholic community. The event started with the lighting of the lamp, followed by reverently garlanding the statue of St. Dominic Savio, paying homage to the young saint known for his piety and exemplary life. Fr D'Souza administered the oath to the newly elected School Captains, Vice Captains, Health and Hygiene Captains, and the Sports Secretary. These captains pledged to uphold the school's values and honor, committing to lead by example and serve their fellow students with integrity.

The House Captains also took their oaths, administered by Fr. Michael Fernandes. Each House Captain vowed to lead their respective houses with dedication and foster a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition among the students. Fr. Alex Carvalho then administered the oath to the Vice Captains, who promised to support the captains and house captains in their duties, ensuring the smooth functioning of the student body. Mrs. Varsha Hiwale administered the oath to the class monitors, who pledged to assist their teachers in maintaining discipline and order in the classrooms, acting as a bridge between the students and the staff.

Fr. Crispino addressed the newly invested leaders and shared a story about the life of St. Dominic Savio, emphasizing the importance of leadership, responsibility, and dedication. The event concluded with a vote of thanks. The celebration of St. Dominic Savio’s feast and the Investiture Ceremony was a memorable and inspiring event. It successfully instilled a sense of duty and leadership among the students, fostering a spirit of unity and community within the school.

On this day, the school also bid farewell to their former Principal Fr. Ajit. A citation was read out to honor him, and he was presented with a token of appreciation. Fr. Munis in his farewell addressed, expressed his gratitude for everyone's support and kind words. He shared his reflections on his tenure, highlighting the achievements and growth of the school under his leadership.

The farewell ceremony was heartfelt, marking the end of one chapter and the start of a new one for both the school and Fr. Ajit.