BIS #7226 Salesian Cooperators of Mumbai Province Gather for Annual Congress

by Maria Rodriques for BIS Mumbai

The Association of Salesian Cooperators (ASC) Mumbai Province held its Annual Congress on Sunday, July 21, 2024, at Don Bosco School Hall, Matunga. The event, which ran from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., saw participation from 18 units across the Mumbai Province.

Provincial Fr. Savio Silveira, the chief guest, was welcomed by Provincial Delegate Fr. Diego Nunes, FMA Provincial Delegate Sr. Iona Baretto, and Provincial Coordinator Ms. Sudha Pillai. Fr. Silveira officially opened the Congress.

In his address, Fr. Silveira emphasized that 2024 is "The Dream Year," referencing the Rector Major's Strenna: "In celebrating this dream, it should also make us dream." He highlighted three key areas for Salesian Cooperators: the Peace Mission, encapsulated in "Not with blows but with kindness"; involvement as Catechists, expressed through "Teach them the beauty of virtue and the ugliness of vice"; and the Oratory, described as "This is your field of work." Fr. Silveira stressed that these areas represent the core dimensions of the Salesian Cooperator vocation.

Fr. George Miranda, Administrator of Don Bosco provincial house and Social Welfare in-charge, gave a presentation on "The Marginalized." He discussed the meaning of marginalization, methods for outreach, and the role of technology in youth empowerment.

During the Holy Eucharist, Fr. Silveira's homily focused on compassion, drawing parallels between Jesus' compassion for his disciples and Don Bosco's compassion for the young.

The Annual General Meeting followed, featuring reports from each unit, the province report, and the annual planner presented by Sudha Pillai. Dian D'Souza presented the financial statement.

Suggestions from the gathering included inviting other units to "Come and See" programs, involving college teachers in the ASC, inspiring families first, encouraging parish priests to organize youth programs, and Salesian Cooperators joining Sunday School as Catechists.

The Congress concluded with appreciative remarks from several participants, who noted the balance between formal and informal elements in the program. Participants praised the opportunity for open discussion and the relaxed atmosphere that allowed for the sharing of opinions.