by BISMumbai Correspondent
The COVID-19 times are a time of upheaval. The world as we knew has been turned upside down. This is historic, even if there is a general dislike of history or refusal to learn the lessons it teaches . Prayer, fasting, outreach, and other means of living through the pandemic is ensuring that we journey together to overcome this catastrophe.
The annual Novena to Mary Help of Christians this year will not be celebrated in the Shrine of Don Bosco's Madonna, due to the COVID-19 lockdown. However, the MumbaiSalesians' YouTube Channel will premiere the novena daily, which those desirous of participating in, can subscribe to. The novena from the Shrine Crypt begins on 16 May and concludes on 24 May.
This year, the coming week 16-24 May, has been declared by Pope Francis as 'LAUDATO SI WEEK' (Video on YouTube) overlapping with the Novena to Mary Help of Christians. He invites all to raise awareness about our common home and contribute with some personal action. The Don Bosco Green Alliance with 270 members in 56 countries invites all to respond to the Holy Father's call. Any Don Bosco - Salesian institution can join this movement. The FABC [Federation of Asian Bishops Conference] Office of Human Development and Climate Change Desk, has prepared a simple animation booklet (pdf attached) with a brief reflection for each day of the week with one simple action [environmental awareness & examen of conscience]. All are invited to watch the reflection on YouTube, pray the rosary, look at the session on carbon footprint, take the Laudato Si' Pledge and make a personal commitment. Sunday 24 May, a Worldwide Day of Prayer is scheduled. Calls for action, video animation aids raising awareness and fostering actions for our common home were part of the 22 April United Nations 50th anniversary of the 'Earth Day' (1970-2020).