BIS #7229 Grandparents and Parents Day Celebration at Sacred Heart Parish

By Alisha and Alphonsa Ohol for BIS Mumbai

"Grandparents and parents are the roots that nourish our family's faith, while the love they share with their children blooms into a beautiful legacy of gratitude and devotion."

On July 28, 2024, Sacred Heart Parish, Yerwada celebrated Grandparents and Parents Day, organized by the Catechism students and the youth. The day began with the Eucharist celebrated by Fr Michael Fernandes, attended by the grandparents and parents of the Catechism children. Following the Eucharist, the children presented handmade greeting cards to their parents.

The parents and grandparents were then invited to a short celebration prepared by our catechist and kids. The program featured wonderful action songs and a quiz, showcasing the bond and love within families and expressing their gratitude.

After the performances, Fr Michael addressed the parents, highlighting the importance of the Eucharist, catechism, and the crucial role of parents in supporting catechists in instilling the Catholic faith in children. The catechist presented awards to parents who participated in a special Bible quiz, concluding the program with sincere thanks and best wishes to our dear parents and grandparents.

The celebration by the Youth of the Parish began with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp, symbolizing the guidance and wisdom that grandparents bring into our lives, followed by a prayer service. The image of St Anne and St Joachim added a spiritual touch, reminding us of the enduring love and support that grandparents provide.

The youth delighted the audience with retro-themed songs, creating a nostalgic atmosphere that resonated with the grandparents. The jamming session was a hit, with everyone tapping their feet and enjoying the music. The dance segment, performed by our talented youth group members, brought energy and excitement to the event.

Engaging activities like "Guess the song" and a Bible quiz kept everyone entertained and involved, with joy and laughter shared among the generations present. A highlight of the event was an inspiring address by Fr Alex, whose words of wisdom and blessings touched the hearts of all attendees. A special video presentation captured memorable moments, showcasing the invaluable role that grandparents play in our lives.

One of the grandparents shared, "This was the best initiative taken for all the grandparents. I really had a wonderful time and truly appreciate the opportunity to connect with others in such a meaningful way." She also expressed her gratitude for the efforts made by the youth in organizing the Grandparents Day event.

As the program concluded, Fr Alex introduced the newly elected Youth President, Jerryco, Vice-president, Angela, and Secretary, Nistel. The Grandparents Day celebration was a resounding success, filled with love, joy, and heartfelt moments.