BIS #7263 15 New Salesian Cooperators for Mumbai Province

By Marie Rodriques for BIS Mumbai

On August 15, 2024, on the feast of the Assumption of Mary, 15 Aspirants took their Promise as Salesian Cooperators.

Three aspirants from Virar unit, after a training period of two years took their Promise as Salesian Cooperators at a Solemn Mass at 8 a.m., celebrated at Resurrection Church, Virar (East). The Eucharist was celebrated by Fr Diego Nunes the Provincial Delegate of Salesian Cooperators and con-celebrated by Fr Thomas D’Costa, Fr Joseph Soares the unit delegate, Fr Francis Fernandes and Fr Oscar Tuscano. 

The ceremony began by Fr Thomas D’Costa presenting the candidates, the candidates then made their Promise. Fr Nunes accepted the candidates and handed each one of them a copy of the ‘Project of Apostolic Life’ (PAL). A gathering of around 350 parishioners witnessed the solemn ceremony.

The significant highlight of the day was the unique inauguration of the Oratory at the Resurrection Church, Virar. by Frs Thomas D’Costa and Diego Nunes. The unit’s newly promised will now give their time in helping out at the Oratory and thus living the dream of our Founder and Guide, Don Bosco. Jazlin Koli an aspirant from the unit said “ I am anxious and looking forward to making my Promise as a Salesian Cooperator ”

The same evening, at the 5 p.m. Holy Eucharist at Mary Help of Christians Church, 12 aspirants from Naigaon Unit take their Promise. It was truly overwhelming to see approximately 700 parishioners witness this momentous event.

Their Parish Priest and Rector Fr Dominic Martis presented the 12 candidates, Fr Nunes then accepted the candidates and handed each one of them a copy of the ‘Project of Apostolic Life’ (PAL).  

Both the events were well planned with the tireless efforts of their coordinators, Dian D’Sousa from Virar and Priscilla S. Pinto from Naigaon. Credit goes to the delegates who were mentoring and constantly encouraging the Aspirants. 

Priscilla, the coordinator of Naigaon said “Never ever had dreamt that I would be a Salesian Cooperator. My sincere gratitude goes to Fr Diego Nunes, who chose 14 of us on 12th July, 2022. I am looking forward to inspiring the youth of our parish to join and carry on the work of Don Bosco. 

Christaline Pinto, Secretary of Naigaon unit, thanked the Provincial team Fr Diego, Sudha, Marie, Dian and Franklin, for their prayers, support, guidance and their precious time being with them in the evening, guiding and helping them. “Words cannot express but we are grateful to you and your team.” 

It is truly a joyous and thankful moment to have 15 more members join the Salesian Family.