BIS #7202 Celebrating Dominic Savio as a Leader

by Ms. Sunita D'Souza and Mrs. Placida Nazareth

On July 5, 2024, the entire family of St. Joseph’s High School, Wadala, celebrated the Feast of St. Dominic Savio. The school leaders, staff, and students attended the Mass presided over by Fr Solomon Rapol to invoke the blessings of St. Dominic Savio. Fr. Solomon highlighted the virtues of St. Dominic Savio in his sermon, inviting the newly elected leaders of the academic year 2024-2025 to follow in his footsteps and stay closely connected to God.

After Mass, the Investiture Ceremony began at 10:10 a.m. for the Primary Section, followed by the Secondary Section at 11:20 a.m. in the school hall. The Rector and Manager, Fr James Nigrel, was the Chief Guest. The Principal, Fr Rapol, the Headteacher of the Primary Section, Tr Matilda Fernandes, and the Secondary Supervisor, Mrs Nagaprabha Rao, were the Guests of Honour.

The Chief Guest, Fr. Nigrel, invested the Head Boy, Asst. Head Boy, House Captains, and Asst. Captains of the four houses. Fr. Rapol and Tr. Fernandes invested the Captains and Asst. Captains of each class. The Monitors and Asst. Monitors were invested by their respective class teachers. The mesmerizing performance by the school band added the right amount of exhilaration to the ceremony as the leaders ceremoniously walked across the hall with joy and pride. The happiness of their parents knew no bounds, as badges and ties were conferred on the newly elected Student Council. 

Fr Nigrel, in his address, congratulated all the leaders and urged them to imbibe the values of St. Dominic Savio and gain inspiration from the words he said to his teacher and guide, Don Bosco, “You can be the tailor, and I’ll be the cloth. Make me into a beautiful garment for Our Lord.” He reiterated that the student council posts were about responsibility and authority. The Primary Headboy, Master Arsalan Bapu, with his team of leaders, the school Headboy, Master Hunain Dongri, and all the council bearers took an oath and pledged to dispense their duties to the best of their abilities, and uphold the motto of the school – Ad Majora Natus Sum ‘We are born for greater things.’

The program ended with the Vote of Thanks by Fr. Solomon. He urged the school leaders to exude energy, enthusiasm, and courage in all their future endeavors, leading by example with commitment and integrity. The school anthem was sung with reverence. The objective of the Investiture Ceremony was to espouse confidence, develop the sense of leadership, and responsibility among the students.