BIS #7282 Youth Camp At Karjat As Pilgrims Of Hope

by Fr Chris Ferreira for BIS Mumbai

Twenty-five youth from Don Bosco Makarpura Parish visited Don Bosco Yuva Sanstha Karjat for a two-day Spiritual cum Rejuvenation Camp on August 24 and 25. This camp was part of a series organized by parish priest Fr Isaac Arackaparambil SDB for the Jubilee Year of Pilgrimage at Karjat. Youth animators Sr Quincyann FMA and Fr Chris Ferreira SDB accompanied the group.

The participants arrived from Vadodara early on 24 August. Rector Brian Boothello welcomed the campers. The program began with ice-breaking activities and team formations led by the youth animators. Fr Anthony Santarita SDB briefed the youth on the house's history and discussed youth collaboration in the church's mission. Sr Quincyann FMA conducted games and shared inputs on saints' lives, inviting youth to choose the charism and qualities of these saints for their own lives. 

Fr Chris celebrated Mass, emphasizing soul care as the purpose of Christian life. He then led a session on accepting one's family upbringing through journal writing. The afternoon featured adventure sports like Burma bridge and ropewalks, followed by indoor games.

Sr Quincyann led the eucharistic adoration in the evening, while Fr Chris and Fr Santarita offered the sacrament of reconciliation. The day ended with group games and music.

Sunday morning, Fr Brian led a mountain trek offering views of Karjat and Khopoli. Fr Cletus D'souza SDB conducted a session on the word of God and an impromptu Q&A session where he listened and offered solutions to participants' queries. Following this, he celebrated the Eucharist, focusing on apostleship. The camp concluded with feedback from participants.

Melita Castelino proposed a vote of thanks to the Karjat Community, and Abin Thomas, Youth Group Secretary, presented a token of gratitude to Fr Brian.

Shreyas Chauhan, youth group vice president, expressed, "The camp in its entirety – accommodation, food, amenities, sessions, community and above all the natural paradise that Karjat was way beyond our expectations and the perfect weekend getaway."

The youth returned to Vadodara early Monday, enriched by their spiritual experience at Karjat.