by Mahendra Macwan & Father Mayank Parmar for BISMumbai
Don Bosco Kapadvanj in Kheda District-Gujarat organised a Christmas Fiesta on 05 January 2020 for the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) in which 67 young people from different parishes of the Umreth Deanery participated.
The highlight of the day was the 'live crib' depiction by 04 teams on the theme "Good Human Beings & Upright Citizens for India." Father Mayank Parmar Rector of KDBS and Director DRISTI Don Bosco, celebrated the Eucharist, challenging the young people, "to rise above persistently selfish & egoistic desires, and channel one's anger for a noble cause in service of society, always restraining aggression and learning to act calmly."
Former Salesian and current DRISTI Social Work Animator, Mahendra Macwan alongwith his handpicked core team animated the half-day programme. A variety of party games allowed the young to bond together ringing in the new year with energetic cheer, following which homecooked delicious lunch added to the festivity.