BIS #7253 Visit of the General Councilor for Formation

by Cl Jashbir Sangma for BIS Mumbai

Fr Ivo Coelho SDB, the General Councilor in charge of formation visited the community of Divyadaan, Nashik on August 13, 2024.

 It was a friendly visit where he got the opportunity  to meet the staff and the brothers of the community to interact with them and also to share with them the happenings of the Salesian world. 

He addressed the community at 6:30 in the evening. Fr Jacob took this occasion to present his new book to Fr Ivo, named ‘Person in Sankara Vedanta’. Fr Ivo appreciated his hard work encouraging and wishing him good luck for more contribution to the congregation. Fr Ivo then gave the news about the happenings in the Generalate. At first, he started with the appointment of the Rector Major, Angel Fernandez as a Cardinal, which was a big surprise to the whole congregation. He said that the Rector Major was granted special permission to shoulder the office of Rector Major for one additional year and so we have the general chapter in February 2025.

He shared about the Salesian Youth Synod going on in Colle Don Bosco where about 300 youngsters from every province in the world are participating in it along with the Rector Major. They are engaged in discussing about the dream of St. John Bosco at nine and discerning each one’s vocation.

 Having shared the news, Fr Ivo spoke about the ‘Ratio’. He explained about the planning and meticulous process of drafting where in all Salesians were given an opportunity to contribute towards it. Fr Ivo, also spoke about the rapid progress that the world is making in terms of digitalization. He raised a very important question, “How to live in the world where internet has entered every tip of life?” He gave the assembly points for reflection and  practical guidelines as to how to integrate the digital world into our religious world.

Then there was question and answer session where the brothers raised questions regarding personal responsibility and missionary aspect of life in formation. Then the assembly ended with the evening prayer.