BIS #7221 Inauguration of Marian Month at Divyadaan Nashik

by Cl Stefan Johann Paul for BIS Mumbai

The Community of Divyadaan inaugurated their Marian Month, a month in honour of our Blessed Mother on July 16 on the auspicious day of the feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel.

It was a grace filled evening where the community gathered together under the mantle of our Lady to express their shared and individual love and devotion for Her. The evening began with a short prayer and the proceedings followed. A special anthem had been composed by the brothers for the occasion only to bring to the fore their deep love and affection for Her.

Father Jacob, the Vice-Rector of the Community, addressed the gathering sowing the seeds that would bear fruit along this month and hopefully for life long. He spoke on the relevance of the theme of the Marian month, 'Teacher and Wisdom' and its relation to the institute of Philosophy in the house. He stressed on how Mary is the seat of wisdom and leads us to the source of wisdom, Jesus her son. Later the events that have been planned for the month were revealed to the community creating a great curiosity and eagerness to get the month up and running. The Marian month planner and the community plan for the house were distributed to the community members. The entire month is being animated by the Liturgy group of the community.

The events of the month include not just fun activities but also spiritual exercises that would form us to be better children of Our Lady. Activities that would help us grow together as a family are also galore. Overall it would be a month of growing together as a family under the maternal protection of Our Mother.

The inauguration ended with the anthem for the month being sung by all and a great longing to deepen ones love for their Mother expressed by the many brothers who shared that they were eager to grow at least one virtue during this month in honour of Our Lady