BIS #7195 Youth Ministry Delegates Meet at DBPH Matunga

by Dn Jeswin Mastan 

The two-day Youth Ministry Delegates Meet commenced on June 25, 2024, focussing on guiding the delegates into animating the youth ministry in their respective communities.

The meet began with the morning Eucharist presided over by Fr Savio Silveria, the Provincial. In his reflection, Fr Silveira highlighted the example of the Good Shepherd as a model for all Salesian youth ministry focussing on sacrificial dedication and the Sacrament of Penance. He also addressed the importance of presence and the need to accompanying youth in today’s age.

Fr Patrick Lepcha, the South Asia Coordinator for Youth Ministry, was one of the animators of the meeting. In his sessions, he guided the delegates into understanding the significance and roles of the various dimensions of Youth Ministry. These included Education to Faith, Cultural Educatoin, Social Experience, and Vocational Guidance. He also outlined the structure of the Youth Ministry at the different levels of South Asia. Fr Lepcha elaborated on the challenges faced by Indian youth and how Salesian Youth Ministry ought to take place in the Indian context.

Dn Ivan Fernandes, the Youth Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Mumbai, helped the delegates understand the importance of mentoring especially in youth ministry. Using examples, he addressed issues faced by youth from broken families and how youth ministers are also ‘wounded healers’ reaching out to help and assist these young people.

Fr Ashley Miranda, the Vice-Provincial of Mumbai Province, explained to the delegates the understanding of the oratories and how Don Bosco’s First Oratory brings out the four dimensions of Salesian Youth Ministry.

Looking forward to the year ahead, Fr Leon Cruz, the Province Youth Ministry Coordinator, animated a discussion wherein the delegates chalked out concrete plans to animate the young during the year.

The two-day meet at Don Bosco Provincial House, Mumbai, provided a comprehensive overview of the Youth Ministry, focusing on pastoral care, educational aspects, and practical insights into addressing contemporary challenges faced by youth in India. The sessions conducted by experienced speakers and interactive discussions among delegates contributed to a fruitful exchange of ideas and strategies for effective Youth Ministry implementation.