BIS #7302 Tree Plantation Drive at Don Bosco High School and Junior College

by Alphonsa Ohol for BIS Mumbai

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” 

As part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of Don Bosco High School, Yerwada, a tree plantation drive was organized in the school premises on September 13, 2024. The event aimed to raise awareness about environmental conservation and the importance of trees in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

The event commenced with a speech by Fr Crispino D'Souza who emphasized the many benefits of trees, including reducing air pollution, fighting climate change, and providing a home for wildlife. Fr Crispino also highlighted that each tree planted during the event would contribute to a better future for generations to come.

Students from the Kindergarten section  right up to the Junior College participated in this event, along with their teachers. They gathered in the pre-assigned areas around the school campus. Saplings of native species such as neem, eucalyptus, and hibiscus were provided, ensuring that the plants would thrive and offer long-term ecological benefits. Teachers guided the students in planting, teaching them the proper techniques, from digging the right-sized holes to covering the roots with soil.

Several students shared their experiences, expressing how the event impacted them. One student said, “This was my first time planting a tree. I felt proud knowing that this small effort would help the environment in the future. I can’t wait to see the tree grow tall one day.” Another student added, “I learned that planting trees is more than just putting a sapling in the ground. We need to care for it, water it, and make sure it grows. I’m excited to take care of the sapling I planted with my friends.” A third student mentioned, “Planting trees with my classmates was fun, and it made me realize how important it is to take care of the Earth. I’m going to tell my family about what I learned today.”

The event concluded with a pledge by students and staff to continue caring for the saplings and to promote the message of environmental conservation. This tree plantation drive left a lasting impact on everyone involved, instilling a sense of responsibility towards nature.

In conclusion, the drive was a huge success, bringing the school community together for a meaningful cause. Through this initiative, students not only learned the importance of trees but also the power of small, consistent actions in making a big difference.